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What is happening with writing? Post feature image

What is happening with writing?

Writing problems, and solutions, can too often go undetected in schools. Unlike reading, there are relatively few specific writing assessments to detect issues that schools can use, so it is hard to follow clear trends. As a result, when national exams reveals issues – such as the drop in primary pupils’

The 7 Deadly Sins of Exam Revision Post feature image

The 7 Deadly Sins of Exam Revision

Year after year, teachers conduct assemblies, workshops, and share resources on effective revision. Despite all that effort, students continue to fall for the all-too-common seven deadly sins of exam revision.  So, what are these ever-present sins that beset so many students?  1.  Procrastination and cramming. Perhaps the most famous sin

The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection Post feature image

The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection

Adaptive teaching describes the moment-to-moment responsiveness that is orchestrated continuously in the classroom by expert teachers.  In the past few years, in England at least, its prominence has arisen through national frameworks as an alternative to the problematic practices that have attended the label of ‘differentiation’.  It features in the