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The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection Post feature image

The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection

Adaptive teaching describes the moment-to-moment responsiveness that is orchestrated continuously in the classroom by expert teachers.  In the past few years, in England at least, its prominence has arisen through national frameworks as an alternative to the problematic practices that have attended the label of ‘differentiation’.  It features in the

New Year's resolutions & doing hard things Post feature image

New Year's resolutions & doing hard things

It is that time of the year. Christmas excesses are replaced by new year commitments. Gym memberships are up; diets and exercise regimes are initiated. The urge to set resolutions is pinned to adverts and endless article messages, but the inspiration too often fades quickly. I’d established an annual

Why ‘word consciousness’ matters Post feature image

Why ‘word consciousness’ matters

We can learn language in small increments - word for word and phrase by phrase, making connections for a deeper understanding of rich language patterns. Teachers experienced in communicating the language of the curriculum know that teaching vocabulary is valuable for many, and for some pupils it proves critical to

Disciplinary talk Post feature image

Disciplinary talk

"As pupils progress through an increasingly specialised secondary school curriculum, there is a growing need to ensure that pupils are trained to access the academic language and conventions of different subjects. Strategies grounded in disciplinary literacy aim to meet this need, building on the premise that each subject has