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Exam Revision and Overconfidence Post feature image

Exam Revision and Overconfidence

It is that time of year again. Nerves fray, students and teachers (probably parents too) as we arm our students with the obligatory revision strategies, resources, wall plans, flashcards, apps, highlighters, revision guides, and whatever else we can get our hands on, in the flimsy hope that some of it

The Growth Mindset 'Collection' Post feature image

The Growth Mindset 'Collection'

Carol Dweck’s research on the dichotomy of the growth and fixed mindset has proven near ubiquitous in schools over the past couple of years. It has proven the topic of a thousand inspirational assemblies, many a wall display, and has offered interesting debates about motivation and psychology in relation

The Problem with Leadership Styles Post feature image

The Problem with Leadership Styles

As the old adage goes, ‘if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is‘. Now, you can often turn this sceptical spotlight onto many headlines that you read in the news, on the internet, or see on television. Under more intense scrutiny, most assertions that find five

Focusing on Feedback Post feature image

Focusing on Feedback

And the evidence says… Feedback is the answer! It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a teaching wanting to help their students learn effectively must give lots of feedback. Marking, lots of it, should get to the root of many of our problems. We just need more of it, right?

The Green Eggs and Ham Hypothosis Post feature image

The Green Eggs and Ham Hypothosis

Sometimes a research study comes along and confirms what you suspected all along. The ‘Green Eggs and Ham Hypothesis‘ does just that trick for me. Now, ‘Green Eggs and Ham‘ is famously a very short and funny story by Dr. Seuss (otherwise known as Theodore Geisel). The ‘Green Eggs and

The 'Power Pose' Exposed Post feature image

The 'Power Pose' Exposed

Sometimes we are offered a simple solution to help us succeed in life. Amy Cuddy, Associate Professor at Harvard Business School offered us just that: the power pose. Her joint research showed that adopting a power pose for a short time could increase testosterone and improve performance at job interviews.

Memory for Learning: 10 Top Tips Post feature image

Memory for Learning: 10 Top Tips

We can all imagine our own personal hell of terminal exams, stacked on top of one another, with acres of knowledge to remember. It is the stuff of sleepless nights, for teachers and for our students. And yet, if we teach with memory in mind all the time, we can

Screaming Dolls and Scaring 'Em Straight Post feature image

Screaming Dolls and Scaring 'Em Straight

(Image credit: Kyle Flood – Creative Commons License – ‘Waah!’) Nothing prepares you to be a parent. Nothing. No parenting class gives you every answer to the mystery, particularly in the haze of a sleep-deprived dawn. No crying doll can ever captures the searing pain of your babe crying in your arms.

Teaching 'A Christmas Carol' Post feature image

Teaching 'A Christmas Carol'

Illustrated by Ronald Searle, in Life Magazine, 1960.   Reading a classic novella like ‘A Christmas Carol’ is tricky for our teenage students. Yes, they have likely heard of Scrooge and seen a film adaptation or three, but when faced with the actual text and the world of the story, with