
Dive into the transformative world of literacy with this range of blogs. Explore how literacy transforms lives, empowers minds, fuels creativity, and fosters critical thinking. It explores disciplinary literacy as well as skills across all phases of education. These blogs cover key topics, such as reading, writing, vocabulary, and oracy. They tackle literacy challenges, including literacy barriers such as dyslexia, whilst offering lots of practical literacy strategies to improve learning.

Cracking the Academic Code Post feature image

Cracking the Academic Code

‘I speak therefore I am’ Ten years ago I moved from my home in Liverpool to become a teacher in York. I went to the Liverpool University so my accent, dialect, and my language more generally, was largely unchanged from my time at school. Of course, I had undertaken lots

Reading Fast and Slow Post feature image

Reading Fast and Slow

Reading too slowly? The movement towards a ‘slow education‘, encompassing deeper, richer learning experiences, is surely the antidote to our assessment driven, checkpoint laden curriculum. In my previous post I explained that we should slim down our content-filled curriculum to maximise the opportunities for reading. More reading is surely a