Teaching & Learning

Immerse yourself in the art and science of teaching and learning with a comprehensive range of blogs. Explore dynamic topics such as effective feedback strategies, impactful explanations, the art of questioning, and more. Gain valuable insights into pedagogical techniques informed by research evidence, along with an array of practical tips. These blogs are useful for teachers, leaders and everyone interested in education.

The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection Post feature image

The 'Adaptive Teaching' Collection

Adaptive teaching describes the moment-to-moment responsiveness that is orchestrated continuously in the classroom by expert teachers.  In the past few years, in England at least, its prominence has arisen through national frameworks as an alternative to the problematic practices that have attended the label of ‘differentiation’.  It features in the

New Year's resolutions & doing hard things Post feature image

New Year's resolutions & doing hard things

It is that time of the year. Christmas excesses are replaced by new year commitments. Gym memberships are up; diets and exercise regimes are initiated. The urge to set resolutions is pinned to adverts and endless article messages, but the inspiration too often fades quickly. I’d established an annual

Teacher development: what, why, and how Post feature image

Teacher development: what, why, and how

Every teacher can be sure of cyclical change. Governments come and go and the national curriculum and assessment shifts along with them. Teacher professional development trends come and go too. We are left asking: what trends for teacher professional development will emerge? Whether forms like instructional coaching will last the

Does your study skills curriculum work? Post feature image

Does your study skills curriculum work?

Do pupils need to know about ‘working memory’ or ‘procrastination’? Will a ‘study skills curriculum’, or a revision programme, really make a vital difference? Each year it is common to see annual plans shared for study skills curricula. Whether it is a key stage three programme, more targeted at GCSE

Adaptive teaching or reasonable adjustments? Post feature image

Adaptive teaching or reasonable adjustments?

“Is adaptive teaching the same thing as ‘reasonable adjustments’?” I get asked this question often when working with teachers and leaders on developing adaptive teaching. It is no surprise, given they can often appear similar when applied to classroom practices that support pupils with learning needs. It is helpful for

The Problem with Past Papers Post feature image

The Problem with Past Papers

My weekend typically involves helping coach my boy’s football team in muddy fields in the far corners of North Yorkshire. It is one of those parental experiences that mingles pleasure with pain. From narrow wins to thumping losses.  Coaching is a lot like teaching. From wrangling a bunch of

Questions about oracy Post feature image

Questions about oracy

Is oracy the next big thing? Are we destined for interminable arguments about it in the coming months or is there a healthy debate to be had about oracy?  I have lots of questions. For me, as a former English teacher, it feels like oracy – or speaking and listening – is