
Dive into the rich world of vocabulary with my blog series. Explore the art of explicit vocabulary teaching, the deep relationship between vocabulary and reading, along with the fascinating realms of etymology and morphology. Discover innovative strategies to cultivate 'word consciousness' and ignite excitement about language. Whether you're a teacher, leader, or avid reader, my curated content offers a treasure trove of insights and practical tips to enrich your vocabulary journey.

Telling Stories about Words Post feature image

Telling Stories about Words

“Stories are psychologically privileged in the human mind.” Daniel Willingham The mind thinks and remembers in stories. It is part of the architecture of human memory and our human experience. Given it is so rooted in how we think, storytelling proves vital to learning and is useful in all sorts

Cracking the Academic Code Post feature image

Cracking the Academic Code

(This article was first published in Teach Secondary Magazine. You can subscribe HERE) How could a group of crossword puzzle champions save the world? Such a startling question has a very British answer, and it should inspire teachers everywhere. During WWII, at Bletchley Park, a collection of academics and other