The 3Rs - Reading, writing, and research to be interested in #56

Year after year, teachers conduct assemblies, workshops, and share resources on effective revision. Despite all that effort, students continue to fall for the all-too-common seven deadly sins of exam revision. So, what are these ever-present sins that beset so many students? 1. Procrastination and cramming. Perhaps the most famous sin
The proverb ‘penny wise, pound foolish’ was first recorded back in the eighteenth century. It represents how people can focus on being stingy with small amounts of money, but may be wasteful with larger sums. When it comes to specifically spending on research and development (R&D), you can
Alex Quigley (The Confident Teacher) is a blog by the author, Alex Quigley - @AlexJQuigley - sharing ideas and evidence about education, teaching and learning.
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