Since 2012, I have written numerous posts about feedback and marking. This is no surprise given our school system has been seemingly addicted to making ‘progress’ visible, with feedback becoming a quick fix for all our ills. Of course, feedback is richly complex, like most things in the classroom, so I thought it may prove useful to collate all my posts on feedback in one place.

Focusing on Feedback. This concise 2016 post surveys some of the available evidence on feedback, with obligatory references to Dylan Wiliam.

Questioning and Feedback: Top Ten Strategies. This 2014 post does exactly what it says on the tin, pairing up those happy bedfellows questioning and feedback.

Whole School Feedback Policy. Composed in 2015, this post presents the rationale behind our Huntington School Feedback policy.

Make your ‘Marking Policy’ and ‘Feedback Policy’. I am quite proud that this 2013 made an early challenge to the obsession with marking and influenced our whole school policy.

Oral Formative Feedback – Top 10 Strategies. This popular 2012 post does what it says really and proved one of my most popular all-time blogs.

Disciplined Discussion: As Easy As ABC. This 2013 post, a favourite of mine, takes a look at the deft art of oral feedback, including my favourite all-time strategy ‘ABC feedback’.

Bad Feedback and OFSTED Whispers. This 2014 post charts the toxic influence of OFSTED and our corrupted sense of feedback as a tool to satisfy accountability.

Have we got feedback backwards? This 2014 post charts our misunderstandings around feedback, whilst offering some solutions to ‘feed forward’.

Improving Written Feedback. This 2013 post was the basis of my Clevedon TeachMeet talk and it offers some handy strategies.

The Halo Effect and Teacher Assessment. This 2014 exposes the uncomfortable truth of the teacher biases that attend our student feedback.

DIRTy Work. This popular post from 2013 defines DIRT (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time), with some handy guidance.

Multiple Choice Questions: A) Use Regularly B) Don’t Use. This 2014 post shines a light on this specific mode of feedback. Thought certainly useful, I still find these questions tricky to devise.

Confidence Tests and Exam Wrappers. This post charts two useful feedback strategies, with exam wrappers proving an excellent feedback tool in particular.

Questioning and feedback: Making Marginal Gains. This early 2012 post charts more strategies for my favourite pairing: questioning and feedback.

‘Gallery Critique’ in the Classroom. This post from 2013 rests heavily on the genius of Ron Berger to define this classroom strategy for visible feedback.

The OFSTED Marking Myth. This 2016 post crystalizes what is now a seemingly common criticism of the obsession from school leaders for endless teacher marking.

Right, so it turns out I wrote quite a lot about feedback: I hope it has proven useful. Of course, I have leant heavily on the research evidence of others and engaged with the ideas of excellent thinkers and bloggers. With that in mind, here is a sample.