Since I have been writing this blog in 2012, no subject has interested me more than the nuanced, complicated staple of teaching: questioning. As a teacher of nearly 15 years, I have attempted annual to crack the code for asking great questions. I am working on it.

Happily, I have written a lot of blogs to capture, distill and codify my thinking into practical strategies for classroom talk and questioning. Here is my collection:

Questioning – Top Ten Strategies. This 2012 post is my most popular all-time post by a long way. It holds its power I think – for the Paxman interview if nothing else!

Questioning and Feedback: Top Ten Strategies. This 2014 post pairs up the yin and yang of classroom practice, once more sharing a series of teaching ideas.

Inclusive questioning. This 2013 is a personal favourite that charts the subtle steps of classroom talk and successful questioning.

Conducting Classroom Talk. This post from 2014 provides a clear guide to the integral process of classroom talk and questioning.

‘Question Time’ and Asking Why. This 2013 post takes a look at the research that attends questioning in the classroom and focusing on the crucial importance of ‘why’ questions.

Confidence Tests and Exam Wrappers. This 2016 post shares two of my favourite recent teaching strategies, with ‘confidence tests’ providing an update on multiple choice questions.

Supporting Shy Students. This 2015 pays particular heed to shy students, offering strategies to make classroom questioning a safer, easier process for shy students.

Multiple Choice Questions: A) Use Regularly B) Don’t Use. This 2014 post offers a critique of multiple choice questions. My view has softened, but they still prove tricky to devise!

Curiosity killed by class? This 2014 post takes on the interesting socio-economic differences that can seemingly influence student questioning in the classroom.

‘Disciplined Discussion’: As Easy as ABC. This 2013 post takes on the crucial topic of classroom talk, offering links to Doug Lemov and some strategies of my own.

Looking back over this array of blogs has made me mindful of how seemingly simple questioning is – we simply ask so many in our classrooms – but how complex it can prove to get it right.