
Dive into the transformative world of literacy with this range of blogs. Explore how literacy transforms lives, empowers minds, fuels creativity, and fosters critical thinking. It explores disciplinary literacy as well as skills across all phases of education. These blogs cover key topics, such as reading, writing, vocabulary, and oracy. They tackle literacy challenges, including literacy barriers such as dyslexia, whilst offering lots of practical literacy strategies to improve learning.

Leading Literacy... And Communicating Complexity Post feature image

Leading Literacy... And Communicating Complexity

This short blog series is targeted at literacy leaders – either Literacy Coordinators, Reading Leads, or Curriculum Deputies – with a key role in leading literacy to ensure that pupils access the curriculum and succeed in meeting the academic demands of school.  Few school leaders get trained in communications. Yet, in almost

Leading Literacy... And Influencing Teachers Post feature image

Leading Literacy... And Influencing Teachers

This short series is targeted at literacy leaders – either Literacy Coordinators, Reading Leads, or Curriculum Deputies – with a key role in leading literacy to ensure that pupils access the curriculum and succeed in meeting the academic demands of school.  Every school policy should be seen through the eyes of a

Leading Literacy... And Perennial Problems Post feature image

Leading Literacy... And Perennial Problems

This short series is targeted at literacy leaders – either Literacy Coordinators, Reading Leads, or Curriculum Deputies etc. – with a key role in leading literacy to ensure that pupils access the curriculum and succeed in meeting the academic demands of school.  The old African proverb goes that it takes a village

Supporting Secondary School Literacy Post feature image

Supporting Secondary School Literacy

Never in the field of school leadership has so much been expected, with so little time, as the role of literacy coordinator.  I have written before about the literacy coordinator as a Sisyphus figure. Invariably, with an hour or two freed up from teaching on their timetable, the coordinator is

Five Things I Wish I'd Known About Literacy Post feature image

Five Things I Wish I'd Known About Literacy

When I started teaching nearly two decades ago, I was a teacher of reading, writing, vocabulary, academic talk, and more. The problem was that I could do reading and writing, but I had little idea how to systematically teach the development of these vital skills.  Yes – I could model some

Covid-19 and the Literacy 'Matthew Effect' Post feature image

Covid-19 and the Literacy 'Matthew Effect'

“For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew, 25:29 Six months ago everything changed. Covid-19 crashed into our consciousness and schools were closed for all but a

Vocabulary Knowledge and the 'Frayer Model' Post feature image

Vocabulary Knowledge and the 'Frayer Model'

The ‘Frayer model‘ is a long-standing graphic organiser that has been deployed in classrooms with success for decades (it was first conceived Dorothy Frayer and her colleagues at the University of Wisconsin). It is a simple but effective model to help students to organise their understanding of a new academic

Telling Stories about Words Post feature image

Telling Stories about Words

“Stories are psychologically privileged in the human mind.” Daniel Willingham The mind thinks and remembers in stories. It is part of the architecture of human memory and our human experience. Given it is so rooted in how we think, storytelling proves vital to learning and is useful in all sorts