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Alex Quigley

York, UK
8 Reasons Why Learning Fails Post feature image

8 Reasons Why Learning Fails

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford We can all be quick to celebrate our successes, but we can possess a natural reluctance to share or talk about failure. And yet, given how complex teaching and learning in the classroom proves, it becomes

Why Learning Fails - Publication Day Post feature image

Why Learning Fails - Publication Day

It is a truth universally acknowledged – and bemoaned – that pupils do not learn all that they are taught. They may learn something. They may even learn a lot. But it may not be a lot of what we think we have taught them. If you multiply these learning failures thirty

Improving Independent Learning Post feature image

Improving Independent Learning

Every teacher can share ample examples of their students struggling to learn independently. From giving up during an extended piece of writing, to getting stuck and stopping with tricky algebra problems, or forgetting homework and avoiding revision.   A lack of independence is a commonplace issue in education, but less common

Questions about oracy Post feature image

Questions about oracy

Is oracy the next big thing? Are we destined for interminable arguments about it in the coming months or is there a healthy debate to be had about oracy?  I have lots of questions. For me, as a former English teacher, it feels like oracy – or speaking and listening – is

4 Reasons to (Re)Focus on Formative Assessment Post feature image

4 Reasons to (Re)Focus on Formative Assessment

Teaching and learning can be prone to shifting trends. Some aspects of teaching may suffer from waning popularity, but we cannot lose sight of them because they are so integral for successful learning. Formative assessment is one such aspect that demands our focus – or a refocus – on its central importance.